We are happy to assist you in matters related to your obligations following the rental of your villa. 

We can do for you

  1. requesting a registration number in your municipality
  2. requesting classifying your villa
  3. contacting your municipality to stop your monthly TdS declaration


1. Registration 

As mentioned before registring is often mandatory in most municipalties. 

Wij will demand - on yor behalf and with your permission - a registration number for your villa in your municipality

Wij will do this either via the webpage of Declaloc or directly at your municipality using the following application form

After receiving your number we will sent it to you and publish it at your on-line villa presentation. 

  • this service is free of charge to all VillaSud owners. 


2. Classification

Het classificeren biedt fiscale voordelen aan de verhurende eigenaar. Het classificeren geschiedt door of het Bureau de Toerisme of door een daarvoor bevoegde instantie zoals InAuris .

We are happy to start he classification on your behalf. This means that we will contact either the Office de tourisme or Inauris and make an appointment to visit and rate your vila. We will coordinate this with you or your property manager. 

  • this service is free of charge to owners who let out exclusiveley with VillaSud 
  • for non exclusive owners we charge €150
  • Please note that the costs of the classification itself will be charged separately. 


3. Stop monthly declaration 

If you let exclusively with VillaSud - and you do not also let privately - we can send a statement on your behalf to your municipality stating that you only rent out via the VillaSud platform. 

After receiving the statement - a certificate - the municipality will stop sending you their monthly request to declare the Taxe de Séjour.

We use a document called Attestation.

  • this service is free of charge to all VillaSud owners. 


Useful addresses

Web page of the French government: Tourist tax section.

Web page of the French government: Tariffs section Tourist tax.

Webpage Atout France with information about Classification of your home.

Web page for applying for the municipal registration number.


Back to mainpage; Rentals & Taxes 



We recommend that you file your French tax returns on time and that you pay the taxes due on time. Given the complexity of the French administration and tax returns, it is wise to have an expert accountancy firm assist you with this. VillaSud strives to always offer correct and up-to-date information on this website. Although this information has been compiled with the greatest possible care, VillaSud does not guarantee the completeness, correctness or topicality of the information. The legal information on the website is of a general nature and cannot be considered a substitute for legal advice. Please let us know if you find any errors or ambiguities! Then we can correct it as soon as possible.